Austin loves setting the soundtrack to our lives. Our home is constantly filled with music.
Oh shit.
I hear the song
I hear “Nobody said it was easy” by Coldplay coming from the kitchen
I hear Austin singing as he does the dishes
He hears me singing across the apartment, while I sort through laundry.
I immediately start to cry.
I wipe the tears from my eyes and head to the kitchen.
The next song starts to play. It’s David Grays “This Years Love”
We start to slow dance in the kitchen.
I let the emotions take control.
The tears flowing from my eyes now.
I look up at Austin.
He kisses me.
My heart is so full and I never imagined to be as happy as I am in this moment.
Hearing the words reminded me of not only how hard the past year has been for us, but all that what we have endured together throughout our relationship. Together we weathered the storm until we found clearer skies up ahead and now we are on our way to seeing the rainbow.
It all seems surreal sometimes.
To feel this kind of love is truly magical.